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Interface LastTransaction




child?: Core.Graph
curie: "fx:last_transaction"
links: { fx:applied_gift_card_codes: GiftCardCodeLogs; fx:applied_taxes: AppliedTaxes; fx:attributes: Backend.Rels.Attributes; fx:billing_addresses: BillingAddresses; fx:capture: Capture; fx:custom_fields: Backend.Rels.CustomFields; fx:customer: Customer; fx:discounts: Discounts; fx:items: Backend.Rels.Items; fx:native_integrations: NativeIntegrations; fx:payments: Payments; fx:process_webhook: ProcessWebhook; fx:receipt: Backend.Rels.Receipt; fx:refund: Refund; fx:send_emails: SendEmails; fx:send_webhooks: SendWebhooks; fx:shipments: Shipments; fx:store: Backend.Rels.Store; fx:subscription: Backend.Rels.Subscription; fx:transaction_journal_entries: TransactionJournalEntries; fx:transaction_logs: TransactionLogs; fx:void: Void; self: Backend.Rels.Transaction }

Type declaration

  • fx:applied_gift_card_codes: GiftCardCodeLogs

    List of all gift card codes applied to this transaction.

  • fx:applied_taxes: AppliedTaxes

    List of taxes applied to this transaction.

  • fx:attributes: Backend.Rels.Attributes

    List of custom attributes on this transaction.

  • fx:billing_addresses: BillingAddresses

    List of billing addresses applicable to this transaction.

  • fx:capture: Capture

    POST here to capture this transaction.

  • fx:custom_fields: Backend.Rels.CustomFields

    List of custom fields on this transaction.

  • fx:customer: Customer

    Related customer resource.

  • fx:discounts: Discounts

    List of discounts applied to this transaction.

  • fx:items: Backend.Rels.Items

    List of items in this transaction.

  • fx:native_integrations: NativeIntegrations

    POST here to resend transaction to the webhooks.

  • fx:payments: Payments

    List of payments for this transaction.

  • fx:process_webhook: ProcessWebhook

    POST here to resend the webhook notification for this transaction.

  • fx:receipt: Backend.Rels.Receipt

    Open this link in a browser to see a receipt for this transaction.

  • fx:refund: Refund

    POST here to refund this transaction.

  • fx:send_emails: SendEmails

    POST here to resend emails for this transaction.

  • fx:send_webhooks: SendWebhooks

    POST here to send the webhook notification for this transaction.

  • fx:shipments: Shipments

    List of shipments for this transaction.

  • fx:store: Backend.Rels.Store

    Related store resource.

  • fx:subscription: Backend.Rels.Subscription

    If this transaction has a subscription, it will be linked here.

  • fx:transaction_journal_entries: TransactionJournalEntries

    Journal entries for this transaction.

  • fx:transaction_logs: TransactionLogs

    Transaction logs.

  • fx:void: Void

    POST here to void this transaction.

  • self: Backend.Rels.Transaction

    This resource.

props: { currency_code: string; currency_symbol: string; customer_email: string; customer_first_name: string; customer_ip: string; customer_last_name: string; customer_tax_id: string; data_is_fed: boolean; date_created: null | string; date_modified: null | string; display_id: string | number; hide_transaction: boolean; id: number; ip_country: string; is_test: boolean; locale_code: string; source: "cit_ecommerce" | "mit_uoe" | "mit_api" | "mit_recurring" | "mit_recurring_reattempt_automated" | "mit_recurring_reattempt_manual" | "cit_recurring_cancellation" | "mit_recurring_cancellation"; status: "" | "capturing" | "captured" | "approved" | "authorized" | "pending" | "completed" | "problem" | "pending_fraud_review" | "rejected" | "declined" | "refunding" | "refunded" | "voided" | "verified"; total_future_shipping: string; total_item_price: string; total_order: number; total_shipping: string; total_tax: string; transaction_date: string; type: "" | "updateinfo" | "subscription_modification" | "subscription_renewal" | "subscription_cancellation"; user_agent: string }

Type declaration

  • currency_code: string

    The 3 character ISO code for the currency.

  • currency_symbol: string

    The currency symbol, such as $, £, €, etc.

  • customer_email: string

    The customer's email address at the time of the transaction.

  • customer_first_name: string

    The customer's given name at the time of the transaction.

  • customer_ip: string

    The customer's ip address at the time of the transaction.

  • customer_last_name: string

    The customer's surname at the time of the transaction.

  • customer_tax_id: string

    If the customer provided a tax_id during checkout, it will be included here.

  • data_is_fed: boolean

    If the webhook for this transaction has been successfully sent, this will be true. You can also modify this to meet your needs.

  • date_created: null | string

    The date this resource was created.

  • date_modified: null | string

    The date this resource was last modified.

  • display_id: string | number

    If custom transaction IDs, prefixes, or suffixes have been configured, this value will contain the custom ID (which may be a string). Otherwise it will be identical to the id value (an integer).

  • hide_transaction: boolean

    Set this to true to hide it in the FoxyCart admin.

  • id: number

    The order number.

  • ip_country: string

    The country of the customer's ip address.

  • is_test: boolean

    True if this transaction was a test transaction and not run against a live payment gateway.

  • locale_code: string

    The locale code of this transaction. This will be a copy of the store's local_code at the time of the transaction.

  • source: "cit_ecommerce" | "mit_uoe" | "mit_api" | "mit_recurring" | "mit_recurring_reattempt_automated" | "mit_recurring_reattempt_manual" | "cit_recurring_cancellation" | "mit_recurring_cancellation"

    The source of transaction that has occurred. CIT/MIT.

  • status: "" | "capturing" | "captured" | "approved" | "authorized" | "pending" | "completed" | "problem" | "pending_fraud_review" | "rejected" | "declined" | "refunding" | "refunded" | "voided" | "verified"

    Used for transactions processed with a hosted payment gateway which can change the status of the transaction after it is originally posted. If the status is empty, a normal payment gateway was used and the transaction should be considered completed.

  • total_future_shipping: string

    If this transaction has any shippable subscription items which will process in the future, this will be the total amount of shipping costs for those items.

  • total_item_price: string

    Total amount of the items in this transaction.

  • total_order: number

    Total amount of this transaction including all items, taxes, shipping costs and discounts.

  • total_shipping: string

    Total amount of the shipping costs for this transaction.

  • total_tax: string

    Total amount of the taxes for this transaction.

  • transaction_date: string

    The date of this transaction shown in the timezone of the store. The format used is ISO 8601 (or 'c' format string for PHP developers).

  • type: "" | "updateinfo" | "subscription_modification" | "subscription_renewal" | "subscription_cancellation"

    The type of transaction that has occurred.

  • user_agent: string

    The UA string of a browser that customer used on checkout. May contain a special UA for subscription processing.

zooms: { applied_gift_card_codes?: GiftCardCodeLog; applied_taxes?: AppliedTaxes; attributes: Backend.Rels.Attributes; billing_addresses?: BillingAddresses; custom_fields?: Backend.Rels.CustomFields; customer?: Customer; discounts?: Discounts; items?: Backend.Rels.Items; payments?: Payments; shipments?: Shipments; transaction_journal_entries?: TransactionJournalEntry; transaction_logs?: TransactionLog }

Type declaration

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