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child?: Core.Graph
curie: "fx:customer"
links: { fx:attributes: Backend.Rels.Attributes; fx:customer_addresses: Backend.Rels.CustomerAddresses; fx:default_billing_address: Backend.Rels.DefaultBillingAddress; fx:default_payment_method: Backend.Rels.DefaultPaymentMethod; fx:default_shipping_address: Backend.Rels.DefaultShippingAddress; fx:store: Backend.Rels.Store; fx:subscriptions: Backend.Rels.Subscriptions; fx:transactions: Backend.Rels.Transactions; self: Customer }

Type declaration

props: { date_created: null | string; date_modified: null | string; email: string; first_name: null | string; forgot_password: string; forgot_password_timestamp: string; id: number; is_anonymous: boolean; last_login_date: string; last_name: null | string; password: string; password_hash: string; password_hash_config: string; password_hash_type: string; password_salt: string; tax_id: string }

Type declaration

  • date_created: null | string

    The date this resource was created.

  • date_modified: null | string

    The date this resource was last modified.

  • email: string

    The customer's email address. This is used as the login to the FoxyCart checkout for this customer.

  • first_name: null | string

    The customer's given name.

  • forgot_password: string

    If your customer forgot their password and requested a forgotten password, it will be set here.

  • forgot_password_timestamp: string

    The exact time the forgot password was set.

  • id: number

    The FoxyCart customer id, useful for Single Sign On integrations.

  • is_anonymous: boolean

    If this customer checks out as a guest, this will be set to true. Once it is set, it can not be changed.

  • last_login_date: string

    The date of the last time this customer authenticated with the FoxyCart checkout.

  • last_name: null | string

    The customer's surname.

  • password: string

    Your customer's clear text password. This value is never stored, not displayed for this resource, and is not available in our system. You can, however, pass it via clear text when creating or modifying a customer. When creating a customer, if you leave this blank, a random value will be generated for you which you can modify later as needed.

  • password_hash: string

    The hash of this customer's login password. If your integration syncs passwords, you will need to keep this value in sync as well.

  • password_hash_config: string

    This will be a copy of your store's current password_hash_config at the time of creation or modification. This way, if you change your store's settings, your customer will still be able to login. It will be updated automatically to match that of the store the next time the customer logs in.

  • password_hash_type: string

    This will be a copy of your store's current password_hash_type at the time of creation or modificaiton. This way, if you change your store's settings, your customer will still be able to login. It will be updated automatically to match that of the store the next time the customer logs in.

  • password_salt: string

    The salt for this customer's login password. If your integration syncs passwords, you will need to keep this value in sync as well.

  • tax_id: string

    A tax identification number for this customer.

zooms: { attributes: Backend.Rels.Attributes; customer_addresses?: Backend.Rels.CustomerAddresses; default_billing_address?: Backend.Rels.DefaultBillingAddress; default_payment_method?: Backend.Rels.DefaultPaymentMethod; default_shipping_address?: Backend.Rels.DefaultShippingAddress }

Type declaration

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