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child?: Core.Graph
curie: "fx:item_category"
links: { fx:email_templates: EmailTemplates; fx:gift_recipient_email_template: EmailTemplate; fx:store: Backend.Rels.Store; fx:tax_item_categories: TaxItemCategories; self: ItemCategory }

Type declaration

props: { admin_email: string; admin_email_template_uri: string; code: string; customer_email_template_uri: string; customs_value: number; date_created: null | string; date_modified: null | string; default_length_unit: "IN" | "CM"; default_weight: number; default_weight_unit: "LBS" | "KGS"; discount_details: string; discount_name: string; discount_type: "" | "quantity_amount" | "quantity_percentage" | "price_amount" | "price_percentage"; gift_recipient_email_template_uri: null | string; handling_fee: number; handling_fee_minimum: number; handling_fee_percentage: number; handling_fee_type: "none" | "flat_per_order" | "flat_per_item" | "flat_percent" | "flat_percent_with_minimum"; item_delivery_type: "shipped" | "downloaded" | "flat_rate" | "pickup" | "notshipped"; max_downloads_per_customer: number; max_downloads_time_period: number; name: string; send_admin_email: boolean; send_customer_email: boolean; shipping_flat_rate: number; shipping_flat_rate_type: string }

Type declaration

  • admin_email: string

    Email address of the administrator you'd like to send an email to every time an item in this category is purchased.

  • admin_email_template_uri: string

    The full API URI of the email template used by this category for sending an administrative email if send_admin_email is true.

  • code: string

    The category code used when applying this item category to the cart.

  • customer_email_template_uri: string

    The full API URI of the email template used by this category for sending an additional customer email if send_customer_email is true.

  • customs_value: number

    The customs value that should be used for shipping services for items in this category.

  • date_created: null | string

    The date this resource was created.

  • date_modified: null | string

    The date this resource was last modified.

  • default_length_unit: "IN" | "CM"

    The length unit of measurement that will be sent to shipping services for items in this category.

  • default_weight: number

    The default weight of an item in this category if no individual item weight is given.

  • default_weight_unit: "LBS" | "KGS"

    The weight unit of measurement that will be sent to shipping services for items in this category.

  • discount_details: string

    This is the string that determines the tiers and amounts that make up your discount. For example, 2-.50|10-3|50-5 means "between 2 and 9 is discounted by .5 per product, 10 and 49 by 3 per product and 50 and over by 5 per product. If you're doing a quantity discount, it will compare against the quantity of products in the order. If you're doing a price based discount, it will compare against the price of the products in the order. Please see the documentation for more information: Coupons and Discounts

  • discount_name: string

    The name of this category discount.

  • discount_type: "" | "quantity_amount" | "quantity_percentage" | "price_amount" | "price_percentage"

    If specified, the type of discount applied to this item category.

  • gift_recipient_email_template_uri: null | string

    The full API URI of the email template used by this category for sending an additional customer email for gift items that are in the cart. URL, optional.

  • handling_fee: number

    The handling fee amount for this category.

  • handling_fee_minimum: number

    The minimum fee when calculating the flat fee per shipment OR % of order total with items in this category. Whichever is greater.

  • handling_fee_percentage: number

    The handling fee percentage used when the handling_fee_type includes a percentage.

  • handling_fee_type: "none" | "flat_per_order" | "flat_per_item" | "flat_percent" | "flat_percent_with_minimum"

    Specify a handling fee type if you want items in this category to have a handling fee added to their price.

  • item_delivery_type: "shipped" | "downloaded" | "flat_rate" | "pickup" | "notshipped"

    The delivery type of the items in this category. Required. Defaults to notshipped.

  • max_downloads_per_customer: number

    Determines how many times the same customer can attempt to download a purchased downloadable item before they are given an error.

  • max_downloads_time_period: number

    Determines how long in hours after the initial purchase a customer can attempt to download a purchased downloadable item before they are given an error. Some helpful values include: 1 day = 24 hours, 1 Week = 168 hours, 1 Month = 672 hours, 6 Months = 4032 hours

  • name: string

    The name of this category.

  • send_admin_email: boolean

    Set to true to send an email to an administrator any time an item in this category is purchased. If you set this to true, you'll also need to specify a admin_email_template_uri

  • send_customer_email: boolean

    Set to true to send an email to the customer any time an item in this category is purchased. If you set this to true, you'll also need to specify a customer_email_template_uri

  • shipping_flat_rate: number

    The amount to charge for flat rate shipping when the item_delivery_type is flat_rate.

  • shipping_flat_rate_type: string

    How to apply the flat rate shipping amount, either to the whole order or to each shipment in the order.

zooms?: Readonly<Record<string, undefined | Core.Graph>>

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