The currency symbol, such as $, £, €, etc.
The customer's email address at the time of the transaction.
The customer's given name at the time of the transaction.
The customer's ip address at the time of the transaction.
The customer's surname at the time of the transaction.
If the customer provided a tax_id during checkout, it will be included here.
If the webhook for this transaction has been successfully sent, this will be true. You can also modify this to meet your needs.
The date this resource was created.
The date this resource was last modified.
If custom transaction IDs, prefixes, or suffixes have been configured, this value will contain the custom ID (which may be a string). Otherwise it will be identical to the id value (an integer).
Set this to true to hide it in the FoxyCart admin.
The order number.
The country of the customer's ip address.
True if this transaction was a test transaction and not run against a live payment gateway.
The locale code of this transaction. This will be a copy of the store's local_code at the time of the transaction.
Used for transactions processed with a hosted payment gateway which can change the status of the transaction after it is originally posted. If the status is empty, a normal payment gateway was used and the transaction should be considered completed.
If this transaction has any shippable subscription items which will process in the future, this will be the total amount of shipping costs for those items.
Total amount of the items in this transaction.
Total amount of this transaction including all items, taxes, shipping costs and discounts.
Total amount of the shipping costs for this transaction.
Total amount of the taxes for this transaction.
The date of this transaction shown in the timezone of the store. The format used is ISO 8601 (or 'c' format string for PHP developers).
The type of transaction that has occurred.
Generated using TypeDoc
The 3 character ISO code for the currency.